Student Council Team Elections

Eduardo Emilio De la Cruz Díaz.


Today I had an experience that has left me with enormous concern
I participated along with my classmates in the elections to elect the new Student Council Team (SCT).
A process that, in theory, should represent the voice and power of the students.
Furthermore, the lack of transparency and disrespect for the secret vote have made me question the validity of this democratic exercise.


The proposals of the different forms were presented today on the school field in an assembly.
Each one presented their ideas to improve our school.
We listened carefully to what they told us, we analyzed and finally decided.
The time has come to vote. I was assured that the vote was secret, that no one would know who we had chosen.
I exercised my right with confidence that my voice would count.

But my enthusiasm disappeared shortly after.
In Spanish class, my teacher, with a mocking smile, told me: - Hahaha, we already know you lost. -
My confusion was immediate. How did she know? I answered - what are you talking about, miss? -
The answer didn't take long to arrive: - Well, you were the only one in the room who voted for template 2. -


How is it possible that if the vote was secret, my teacher knew my choice?
Was the confidentiality of the process violated? Where was the transparency that we were promised?
I felt deep indignation.
Not only has my right to choose been disrespected, but the integrity of the entire electoral process has been called into question.

The trust of the innocent is the liars richest harvest. by Stephen Richards.